Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ch. 16 - Integrated Marketing Communications

"The ultimate goal of any promotion is to get someone to buy a good or service or...to take some action." The AIDA concept outlines the process for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of consumer involvement with the message.

A= Attention
Apple gets our attention with imagery on their website, publicity, such as the keynotes and stories in largely circulated publications – as a highly anticipated product and being a company people and investors have their eye on, the iPad and iPad 2 where the subject of much publicity – and (to the good fortune of Apple) the many noncorporate blogs (such as MacRumors.com).

I= Interest

D= Desire

A= Action
Seems like Apple did a good job. The first generation iPad sold about 15 million. According to PCMag The iPad 2 has been popular worldwide; analysts estimated that roughly 500,000 units were sold in the first weekend, temporarily driving wait times up to five weeks. The iPad 2 also reportedly sold out overseas within 24 hours. "Digitimes estimates Apple sold around 2.6 million iPad 2s in March. Apple hasn't divulged any official numbers yet, but the company is expected to report sales data in its quarterly earnings call on April 20."

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