In Depth: Apple Ad History and Study of Promotianl Mix

Apple first started advertising its products in 1976.

Apple has been admired and highly regarded for their advertising and promotional strategies and for innovation. The innovation at Apple not only comes from their products, but design and advertising, for all these are part of the final product – the brand itself. Adverting and promotional strategies are just as much a part of developing a product, a company, a brand itself. And no matter whether one likes or doesn't like Apple one has to admire what they have built, particularly as a marketer, they have achieved the brand recognition and reputation that any other would envy. Here is a collection of some of Apple's most important and notable advertisements and their promotional strategies that have contributed to the company's success.

Starting with the text-heavy and light on images ads of the 70's to iconic ads and campaigns such as the "Think Different" campaign to the iPod People and "Get a Mac" campaigns.

Note: You may click on picture images to view full size


1976 – Apple I Full Page Ad

This is an ad for the Apple I – perfect example of pioneering advertising. This ad is not only intended to stimulate primary demand for the new product and product category – as the personal computer wasn’t common like it is today –, but also provides in depth information about the product and it’s benefits.  Early Apple ads were very informative.

1976 – Review Article

An ad published in 1976 as a review of  the Apple I. While this is not advertising paid for by Apple, it definitely contributes to the promotional mix as publicity….Even then Apple was getting praise :) This ad also highlights the strategy Apple had then – aimed at the hobbyist rather than industry and enterprise, a strategy that served them well.

1977 – Apple II Introduction Ad (Page 1)

1977 – Apple II Introduction Ad (Page2)

1977 – "A is for Apple" Campaign Ad

1977 – "Best Selling" Ad (Page 1)

1977 – "Best Selling" Ad (Page 2)

In early Apple ads we see that Apple emphasized on consumer education. Apple is trying to become more mainstream, but before Apple can become a household name, the computer has to be a need or a want to the consumer and Apple is more than happy to tell the consumer the many different ways a computer could be useful. “Some firms believe that educated consumers are better, more loyal customers.” (Lamb/ Hair/ McDaniel 275)

1977 – "How to Buy" Ad Campaign

Apple not only knows that consumer education makes a better and more loyal customer, but also realizes the importance of educating the consumer on something that is so new to them, the computer.

1977 – "Adam" Ad

The Adam ad is more then just advertising, it is a promotion. More than offering a reason to buy, this offers incentive as well. This promotion is a contest designed to create interest – it asked “What in the name of Adam do people do with Apple Computers?” The most original would win a trip for two to Hawaii. This promotion was also a great way to get the ultimate buyer or potential buyer involved, to feel like they had a voice in how the Apple computer could be used. This promotion, I suspect, not only made the customer feel as a “co-creator,” but also put Apple in touch with what people wanted in a computer. Ultimately giving Apple suggestions for new product creation from the potential customer and making the potential buyer feel involved in the development and design, because their ideas might be considered.